As the year is coming to an end most of us are reflecting back on the year and looking forward to next year and what it will bring.
Personally, this year has consisted of a lot of deep reflection. First and foremost, a reflection of health.
So many people take for granted their well-being and their health. Some things happen with our health that are out of our control. Things that pop up for no good reason whatsoever. Like cancer, that nasty, nasty thing that so many are battling, have battled, or have loved ones who have suffered. It just doesn’t make sense sometimes, like in the case of my 4-year-old niece and a sorority sister from college. Both have undergone major surgeries and are now going through chemotherapy. This should put life in perspective for the rest of us who are healthy, but are not making healthy choices.
The moral of the story is… you have been given one life and one body so cherish your time and take care of what you have been given. Get the appropriate well-checks and screenings with your physician, stay fit, and put he right things on and in your body.
Check out my breast cancer awareness month blog with tips for women to live a healthy lifestlye.
I also struggled with my health a couple years ago, not in a severe way, but enough for a wake up call. I was bouncing back from having my 2 wonderful children. I was struggling to find time for myself while being a full time working mom. My outlet has always been exercise so I fell into a pattern of exercising 5-6 days a week at pretty high intensities. At the same time, I was also watching my nutrition and eating clean and paleo. This was okay initially, but after about a year I started to feel very fatigued all the time, hungry all the time, and I just felt horrible. With my health care background, I kind of knew what was going on but... I was in denial. (Sometime we can be the worst patients.) I was in denial until it was in front of me in black and white. My hormone levels were very low. Hormone cream… nope. I knew what I had to do. I was stressing my body too much. I put together a program that I could follow to fix my problem. After 3 months I was floored! My energy skyrocketed, I was less hungry, I felt more in control of my body and my emotions, and the inches just came off! I felt so good and was so amazed with my results I had to share it with others. This is when I created Refine YOU.
Refine YOU was founded at the beginning of this year, 2017 and the first group went through my program in April 2017. Since then, over 200 have been through the FAST, ATTAINABLE TRANSFORMATION-FAT Loss program. These clients jumped in, trusted the process, and reaped the benefits from their efforts. It does take time and dedication to learn something new. This is ultimately a lifestyle change and not just another "diet."
As with anything, you get out what you put in. If you put the effort into following the program, you WILL get the results you never thought you could achieve. A lot of my clients have told me how they have struggled for so long, felt so out of control, and thought they were stuck. They are shocked at their results in such a short time. and how much this program has changed they way they feel. After the program some clients sign up again for the benefit of new workouts every 6 weeks. Others continue the nutrition as a lifestyle change on their own and continue seeing the results. Feel free to check out the testimonials from my clients on my website.
I help people for a living as a physician assistant for over 16 years, and it doesn't stop there. So many people can turn their lives around by just making better choices with their nutrition. I am very passionate about this program and this is being a jump start to a lifestyle change. It is not a quick fix, or a cleanse, or an unreasonable program that takes everything away. It teaches my clients how to work the foods they want into their life occasionally and still be able to get results. Working smarter not harder by regulating hormones and turning your body into a fat burning machine without the use of products! Click here for a recent video
My program was a game changer for me, my clients and can be for you. If you have always struggled, if you feel that you have no control, if you feel that you are at a plateau, this program can help. Make 2018 the year you challenge yourself... and crush it!
I am so thankful for the support from my family and friends in this endeavor. I also am very thankful for all the clients that have been through the program and who have shared this with others.
I look forward to 2018 and for what it will bring for my family, friends, and Refine YOU. There are some exciting things coming for Refine YOU (including a new type of program, tons of new workouts, and more) so stay tuned! Here’s to 2018! Have a Happy, HEALTHY New Year!