Looking for something to boost fat loss?  Are you wanting to make healthier choices? See how intermittent fasting could be the answer!


Well its nothing to be scared of and might be the answer you need if you’ve been frustrated about your hormones, energy level, hunger levels or you’ve tried everything and cant loose those inches!  I’m gonna dive into what it is and why it might help you!  

Intermittent fasting is exactly what it sounds like: short periods of fasting, intermittently.  There are different methods of intermittent fasting but it is usually fasting between 16-24 hrs.  I like to think of it more like an eating schedule.

This goes against Much of what we’ve been taught by the health and fitness industry. We are often told to workout intensely, eat every 2-3 hours, and restrict our calories.

Unfortunately, while this will get results initially, it will also mess with your hormones in some pretty significant ways and eventually slow down your metabolism. I know this because it happened to me, and because medial research has shown that this can have negative effects on your body.

Your body is always in one of two states: fasted or fed. When you eat several meals throughout the day, your body is always in a fed state. While in the fed state your insulin levels are elevated, which makes it more difficult for your body to burn fat effectively and your body becomes dependent on eating frequently.

However, after about 12 hours of not eating, your body goes into a fasted state. When you fast, insulin levels drop and human growth hormone increases. When you increase your growth hormone it helps your body burn fat and gain muscle.

You also increase the function of lipase which helps your body break down fat. Short term fasting also improves your metabolism which allows you to burn more calories which also helps your body burn fat.

Studies have shows that intermittent fasting causes weight loss, loss of inches around the abdomen, AND causes less muscle loss than just cutting calories alone.

Studies have also show that IF (Intermittent Fasting) can improve BP, cholesterol, trigycerides, and inflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease.  IF also has important benefits for brain health and may increase growth of new neruons in the brain and protect the brain from damage. Fasting intermittently also helps your cells get rid of waste material and influences genes that prevent disease.

Bottom line… Intermittent Fasting

  • Helps you burn FAT
  • Prevents muscle loss and breakdown
  • Improves your metabolism
  • Is beneficial to your overall health

Fasting might sound a little scary, but I promise you...it isn’t as bad as it sounds!

There are several different types of intermittent fasting schedules from daily fasting to 24 hour fasts every few days or once a week. In my program, my clients start fasting a certain way and at a specific point in my FAT loss program.  If a person that is used to eating a high carb diet and eating every 2 hours trys to fast… they will be miserable, hangry, and end up giving up and overeating to make up for how hungry they are. 

Therefore, my clients start IF in my program at a point where their insulin has been stabilized and they are already going to their fat stores for energy.  This is when we implement intermittent fasting to boost fat loss and muscle gain.

I will be honest, a lot of clients are apprehensive about beginning to intermittent fast. They are shocked that when they do start, they are not hungry like they thought they would be and it is not as difficult as they thought. We do not eat less when we are fasting, we are just eating all of the calroies in a shorter amount of time.

Intermittent fasting isn’t scary, but a simple way increase your energy levels and turn your body into an effective fat burner.

When you combine, intermitteint fasting, carb cycling, and the correct workouts together you get a HUGE bang for your effort. 

Smarter not harder.  Efficient and effective.  Lasting results and lifestyle changes.  Improveing your health long term.  This is what my program the FAST ATTAINABLE transformation FAT loss program is all about.

I would love to help you on your journey. Whether it be loosing fat, regulating hormones, or learning how to make healthier choices. 

Hope to hear from ya soon! LetzGo!
