Be patient. I’ll be honest... I am THE worst at this sometimes!
We want it and we want it now. Right?
In most situations in health, nutrition, and fitness the best and more lasting changes take time.
It will come.
💙The fat will come off gradually if you’re doing it right... and it will stay off. A healthy rate of weight loss is only 1-3 lbs per week! Keep things in perspective.
💜If you had an injury or just had a baby and you are recovering, you WILL get better with time and you WILL get back to where you were... maybe even better!
💚 If you’re struggling with making the right choices with your nutrition and you keep messing up, it’s okay. We all do it. It doesn’t have to be perfect all the time! It takes on average 21 days for you body to make the switch from being carb dependent to fat dependent for energy. It also takes this long or even longer for you to break a habit.
Choose a program that focuses on maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the long run that you can reasonably stick with. Not these quick fixes, programs utilizing expensive shakes, and programs that cut everything out of your diet. These are not reasonable life long nutrition plans.
Most importantly, don't give up. Stick with it! As I mentioned, quick fast results are not reasonable. Take before pictures and measurements and do it again in 6 weeks. DO NOT weigh yourself everyday. You have to give your body a chance to make the switch and pick up momentum. Most people, especially women, tend to start seeing results toward the end of 6 weeks, not right away!
Be patient. Focus on Progress not perfection!
#patience #progressnotperfection#stickwithit #youcandoit #letzgo#refineyou #mindbodyspirit #healthyliving#healthychoices #healthylifestyle #fatloss#fitfood #macros #paleo #iifym#healthymom #momblogger#fitnessblogger #fitmom #motivational#fitspiration