Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

Do you struggle with the scale? Are you constantly weighing yourself and getting frustrated? You are NOT alone in this battle.  You need to know about fat loss vs. weight loss.

The Refine YOU Program: Customized Online Weight Loss Program
Refine YOU Review, Before and After, Refine YOU Results

The refine YOU Program

Hear some feedback from clients who have had a total transformation with The Refine YOU Program

Fat vs Muscle!
In the above image, both of these "people" are the same height and both weigh 160 pounds. The person on the top has more muscle, less fat, and you can see that the overall size is visibly smaller than the the one on the bottom. Even though they both weigh the exact same and are the same height, they look differently. This is because FAT takes up more space than muscle. The more fat you have, the larger you will appear compared to someone else who weighs the same and has more muscle.

In addition to being stronger, higher lean muscle mass supports bone health, will help you burn more calories at rest, and will help you look fit and toned. Muscle does not build one its own. Your activity influences lean muscle growth. You will not build much muscle by running an hour everyday. Nor do you gain muscle by severely cutting your calories. Your muscles need a certain amount of protein and carbs to grow. To help you body build lean muscle, your nutrition and your activity should support this, not hinder it.

When participating in a program, do not set yourself up for failure by using a body weight scale as the only method to track your progress. 

Remember, the number on the scale may not budge, or it may go up, but the way you FEEL combined with photos and body measurements can show that you are succeeding in so many ways!

The clients participating in the Refine YOU Program or The Macro Plan are told to avoid weighing themselves all the time. The scale may not budge much at all, especially if they don’t have much to lose. They are encouraged to look at the whole picture. Even though we encourage our clients to NOT weigh themselves frequently, there are always have a few that do.  They usually contact me after only a couple weeks frustrated that they are not losing weight. I reinforce to them that we are building lean, strong, healthy bodies which will not always result in a rapid drop on the scale. Then, at the end of the program the measurements are in and I get another email with a different message. They are amazed that they dropped 13+ inches but they only lost less than 10 lbs! They gained muscle, lost fat, lost inches, and are fitting into their clothes better.

What should matter most? Should the number on the scale matter most? OR should dropping sizes in your clothing, feeling more energized, sleeping better, improving your sex life, lowering your blood pressure/cholesterol, bettering your overall health, matter most?  It might be difficult to break up with the scale and rely on other methods, but once you do, it is empowering!

Do not let the scale or unrealistic expectations rule your life and pull you away from reality! You are more than the number on the scale. You are more than a picture of someone else that you think you should look like. Your mind, body, and spirit deserve more! Once you step away from the scale and focus on what matters, you will gain control and a sense of satisfaction.  The most important transformation that takes place is the transformation that is not visual but the one that happens in your mind and spirit. 

If any of this seems impossible for you to do on your own, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You are not alone in this struggle.  Get your family involved or a friend. Enlist the help of a health professional, or join a program with support and accountability like The Refine YOU Program that will give you a customized program for you to follow and tools to guide you to success. Having someone there for guidance and having support from others who are in this journey with you, a "family," is a game changer. This is the primary reason that The Refine YOU Program is run in groups. Every 7 weeks a new program starts so that everyone is going through it together even though they have their own customized program. They all have the same goal, to be the healthiest and best that they can be.

With any program or change, take it all in and learn from your wins AND failures. Remember, to achieve long term results, it is important to approach a new program with a good mindset and with a positive attitude. After all, this is a lifestyle change not a quick fix.

The Refine YOU Program is a jump start to a lifestyle change. It is a 7 week online program that is customized to your needs, your goals, and your level. We incorporate cutting edge nutritional strategies along with effective workouts to lose fat, gain muscle, regulate hormones, and improve your hunger and energy levels.  To learn more about the program, hear from some of my clients, or to contact me click here. I would love to help you on your journey gain control and live a healthy lifestyle.
