Tips on How to Set Attainable Goals for 2021
Tips on how to set new goals for the New Year
The refine you program
Provides a customized nutrition plan and workouts with daily accountability to keep you on track.
Do you have some goals for 2021?
It is very fulfilling to set a goal and crush it! However, these goals you set for yourself don’t have to be huge.
No matter what your goal may be it should be...
Written Down
Specific and/or measurable
Have a deadline
Instead of saying, "I want to lose weight" or "I am going to eat healthy" set a realistic and specific goal with a deadline. "I want to lose one pound per week for 4 weeks" or "I am going to eat a serving of vegetables for every lunch and dinner for a week."
Setting goals like this, as small as they may be, and achieving them routinely will give your attitude and spirit a boost and will leave you wanting more! Never stop improving yourself and setting goals! There is always room for improvement, no one is perfect.
When it comes to weight loss, I find that most people are in that “all or nothing” mentality. They choose a severely restrictive or aggressive plan to achieve a very aggressive goal. Starting these diets that promise drastic results in a short amount of time most likely utilize strategies that are severely restrictive are impossible to maintain long term. Starting a workout “challenge” that requires you to exercise every single day are also difficult to continue and can lead to injury.
Furthermore, a healthy goal for weight loss is only 1-3 pounds per week. Be wary of setting an unsafe or unrealistic goal for yourself. If you are incorporating exercise, the results on the scale may not reflect the changes you will be seeing in your body. You may be losing fat and gaining muscle which will not result in a huge drop on the scale. Check out my blog discussing fat loss vs. weight loss. I encourage people to not set a weight loss goal but focus more on feeling better, how their clothes fit, before and after pictures, and getting healthy.
It can be very frustrating to reach your goal and not be able to maintain it, or fail to even reach your goal each and every time. No wonder people give up on themselves. The key is setting realistic, attainable goals. Setting smaller attainable goals frequently can increase your success in reaching your goals. As you meet each goal you set a new one which puts you in constant, positive, forward momentum.
If you are looking to lose weight or improve your body composition it is important to find a program that is not severely restrictive and allows you to gradually work this into your life as a lifestyle, not a quick fix (all or nothing) program.
The Refine YOU Program starts up January 10th and we would love to help you reach your health and fitness goals for 2021! This program is DIFFERENT. This program will give you group support and daily accountability but will giver you YOUR OWN PLAN to follow which will differ from everyone else’s plan. You are unique and deserve your own attainable, flexible plan to fit your busy schedule!
Click here to learn more about The Refine YOU Program and Register to start out 2020 with a BANG!