How to avoid gaining weight over the Holidays and enjoy your celebrations.
How to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Holidays
The Refine you program
Learn how to have your cake and eat it too for a long term solution in your health and fitness journey.
If you are someone who eats healthy or trying to lose weight, The holidays might seem a little daunting. No surprise there. Americans take in 3,000 to 4,500 calories at their Thanksgiving celebrations, according to estimates by the Calorie Control Council. Depending on age, weight, and gender, most people should only have around 1600-2800 calories in an entire day.
Let’s be honest, there are a lot of temptations so I have come up with some tips to help keep you on track, for the most part.
Here are some tips for you to consider to avoid overeating over the Holidays and gaining the extra pounds while still being able to enjoy yourself…
Tips for Before the Holiday Meal…
1. Do not skip meals- Many people “save up” their calories for the big event which can actually backfire. You can end up being so hungry and eating more than you would have if you had eaten throughout the day. Do not show up hungry.
2. Eat a light breakfast and/or lunch with a source of lean protein and some vegetables, Protein and fiber help you feel full while still being able to save your fat and carbs for the big event.
3. Drink plenty of water during the day which can also help you feel full
4. Try to be as active as possible or get a workout in that day.
5. Wear tighter clothing that will give you a gentle “heads up” when you are filling yourself.
6. Bring a healthy dish as your contribution. Bring a healthy option to ensure you have something you would like to eat. Check out this post on healthy low carb side dishes perfect for holiday gatherings.
7. Plan ahead! If you have 1 or 2 dishes that you MUST have because they are your favorites, like your grandma’s cookies, then plan for this. Give yourself grace with these items and make it a point to try to avoid all the other food items that are loaded with carbs and fats that you do not enjoy as much. You don’t have to deprive yourself of everything you enjoy, just make the unhealthy stuff worth it. For example, you look forward to your grandmother’s cookies and cheesy potato casserole over the holidays. At the dinner, you see some rolls which you like but aren’t crazy about. Would you rather have the cookies, or the rolls? Make your treats worth it and forego the other “stuff" that isn’t worth it to you to splurge on.
Tips for During the Meal…
1. Stay away from the table with food on it to avoid mindless snacking and picking at food. Everything adds up quickly
2. Keep a drink in your hand at all times, preferably water.
3. If you are going to partake in adult beverages, choose wisely. Click here to check out my post on this subject. Limit your alcohol. Alcohol can decrease your resistance to temptations.
4. Use a small plate to control the amount you eat.
5. Limit yourself to one plate.
6. Serve yourself, try to not allow someone to put the food on your plate. In addition, do not eat for someone else to be polite.
7. Control your portion sizes (on that smaller plate)
8. Keep drinking water during the meal
9. Start eating the protein and veggies FIRST. Do not start your meal with bread. This stimulates your hunger stimulating hormones. Eating protein and veggies first will allow you to feel full more quickly and also has the added benefit of saving your carbs and fats for the good stuff!
10. Eat slowly. This will allow for your food to settle and give your body time to tell your brain you are full before you overeat.
11. Keep yourself busy by talking to people or playing a game to prevent you from putting more food in your mouth.
Tips for the Next Day
If you are used to eating clean and healthy most of the time, you might suffer from a little bit of what I call “a food hangover.” You might feel lethargic, bloated, your hands might be swollen, and you may even have an upset stomach. It takes time but here are some tips that I use to help with the food hangover.
1. Drink plenty of water. (This is a reoccurring theme. You should be drinking plenty of water daily. Check out this post on why drinking enough water is so important)
2. Get moving by going for a walk or doing a workout.
3. Most importantly, get back on track with eating clean healthy foods.
If you are tracking your food, like the clients in The Refine YOU Program, I would consider not tracking your food on this day. This will allow you to relax and enjoy the day without the stress of trying to count every single thing you are eating. Just stick to your plan. If you eat well during the day, drink enough water, and follow the pre-meal and meal tips I provided you will still be able to “have your cake and eat it too” without all the guilt. You may go over your “typical” day but it won’t be as bad as it would have been and this will allow you to enjoy yourself.
If you would like to learn more about The Refine YOU Program and how this online, flexible, customized program can help you reach your goals click here. We would love to help you be The Healthiest YOU possible.