3 Reasons Why Women Should Hit the Weights...
Benefits of Strength Training for Women
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There is a bit of a stigma around women and weights. For years, we’ve been told that weights are for men and that lifting heavy things will make us big and bulky. So...we’ve stayed out of the weight room and hung out on the treadmill and elliptical….which isn’t quite giving us the results we want.
Not convinced you need to explore the weight room a bit?
Here are three reasons you should give strength training a try:
Strength training builds lean calorie burning muscle.
The only way to get lean and look toned is to increase your muscle mass. Because women lack the testosterone needed to bulk up, their muscle gains are going to be small. However, lifting weights is the only way to build that muscle. The more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism will be. It is estimated that for every pound of muscle you gain, your body burns 35-50 more calories per day. So, 4 pounds of muscle means 120-200 more calories per day burned, which is 10 pounds per year.
2. Strength training shapes your body.
Without weight training you can lose weight, however, you will simply become a smaller version of what you were. If you want to shape your body into a lean, toned, fit looking physique, you are going to have to build some muscle while shedding those unwanted pounds.
This means your overall weight loss might not be as rapid, but with a solid strength training program, you will see fat loss, and get a leaner, more shapely version of you.
3. Strength training strengthens your bones.
Weight training not only builds muscle, it builds bones as well. Increasing your bone density fights against osteoporosis later in life. In addition, it can keep you from injury in terms of small fractures. In the same way you increase the need for your muscles to work hard during a strength training workout, you are also requiring your bones to work...thus strengthening them as well. One study found that women who did high-intensity weight training two days per week for a year were able to increase their bone density by one percent, while those not in a weight training program actually decreased their bone density. This was the case in more than one study, showing the positive benefits weight training has on bone density.
The weight room is your friend, my friend! Honestly, I could have listed far more benefits to weight training and will likely expand on some of these things at a later date. Until then, it’s time you stepped on over to the free weights section and start lifting heavy. The results of an effective weight training workout when paired with an intentional nutrition plan are absolutely incredible.
P.S. If you are interested in learning how to pair your nutrition with effective cardio and strength training workouts, check out The Refine YOU Program. It has everything you need to burn fat effectively, increase your energy levels, and build the body you want!