Healthy Summer Dessert Recipes
Healthy Summer Dessert Recipes
Everyone craves cool sweet treats in the summertime. Many of these treats are filled with sugar and fat, things that you only want to consume in moderation. I know what it is like to have a sweet tooth that you can’t satisfy. It causes you to lose focus and binge all of your favorite unhealthy food. Instead, here are some healthy options that can satisfy your sweet tooth. Your kids won’t even know they are healthy!
Low carb berry cobbler that can be paired with you favorite healthy dairy or non-dairy ice cream or yogurt.
Calories; 400, Protein; 15g, Fats; 12g, Carbohydrates; 35g, Sugar; 5.9g
A lemon cake that will brighten up you day and curve your sweet tooth. This is a low carb option when you are craving cake don’t want to splurge on high carb and fat cake.
Calories; 248, Protien; 6g, Fats: 23g, Carbohydrates; 6g, Sugar; 1g
Who doesn’t love a cold popsicle in the summer time. These are great sweet treats for the whole family.
Calories; 7, Protein; o.3g, Fats; 0, Carbohydrates; 3.8, Sugar; 0.5g
A yummy fruit salad you can eat all summer. It is vegan and low calorie perfect for a hot summer day.
Calories; 81, Protein; 1g, Fat; 1g, Carbohydrates; 21, Sugar; 18g
Frozen bananas are a great summer treat. Instead of buying them at the store you can create your own with your favorite ingredients that match your diet.
Calories; 345, Protein; 8.7g, Fat; 21g, Carbohydrates; 38g, Sugar 20g
These recipes are all family-friendly summer treats that will not help you stay on track during your lifestyle change. Whether you are vegan, low carb, low fat, or counting macros there is something here for you! Click here for more recipe ideas from Refine YOU